If you did not know, I love Autumn! The weather changes and the air gets crisp and cool. The days get shorter and the sweaters come out as we bundle up and layer on our apparel. With the cooler weather for some reason to me it means time to go outside...?
The past week or so it has been raining off and on up here and with the rain comes heaps of surprises out in the yard. I got the ol picture taker and headed out for a romp in the yard and look at what I found. It is not much of another fashion related post... but it is amazing were you can find inspiration. They are all over the place! All kinds from small dots to large black ones. I think Fungi are so freaking rad. And so did the young Beatrix Potter.Next time you head out into the elements keep an eye out for the little hidden treasures that lay about your feet.
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