The workshop is pretty much set up, at least enough that we can go to work out there now. It is out in the garage which I am kind of excited about. I am not sure if excited is the right word. Anyway, how many big name companies, or bands have started out in the garage? (Mac anyone?) I mean what is more of a "man's" spot than the garage? Now to get the '53 chevy or Indian motorcycle to ratchet on when not building ideas.....
Very excited to be able to build things again for sure and to be in a spot that I can make all sorts of messes and not have to worry about mucking up the flooring or anything of that nature.
It has been a few months in the making with a move from one state to another in the middle but alas I have almost fully built the first of two fits of some REDCROW denim trousers, the R4001 & R4002. More later once complete... Till then go build something fun yourself.
The Family came up this past weekend and it so happened to fall on Fathers Day weekend, which was nice to spend time with my dad and the rest of the family. We went on a nice adventure and spent some time up at Snoqualmie Falls, about 20 miles south east of where we now call home. It was a super nice weekend and great to spend some quality time with my family. Here is a few pics from the excursion. Nice and green. I am really stoked on being up here and love the surroundings, it is so beautiful. I hope all you Fathers out there had a nice 'dad day'.
Been working on getting my workshop space all set up out in the garage. It is almost fully set up. I am so excited to get back to having a spot to mess around in and build things. Have a huge supply of ideas that need to be built. Will post as they become reality.
In the meantime, go build something! Stay creative.
A while back through this wonderful world of the internet, email, links and whatnot I received a little 'hello' from a Mr. Nohavec of The Constants Kept, a Seattle bloke who has a rocking good image blog. It is very well laid out with a super good selection of images. Like I said in my recent post about The Weekenders, I am a big fan of the image blog concept. Well TCK is one that I have most definitely added to my daily hit list! Check it out here.
This weekend took the 'ol family out to try a fine dining establishment here in the Pacific North West known to the locals and the world as XXX root beer drive-in. The food was good. The portions heaping. And the Root Beer they have been making since 1930 was an 8 out 0f 10.
But the best part, besides a nice tall frosted mug of brew, was the stuff on the walls, tables, shelves and even the ceiling. The two stand out pieces that got me going was the lamp over our table, an old texaco gas sign turned into lamp shade and the collection of area car club plaques. If you are ever in the area and like a nice slab of meat on a bun (they also have a garden burger option for those who are into that kind of thing) with a side of crunchy fries and a good root beer give this place a try. If nothing more it is just fun. Oh and they only take cash or personal checks..... Whatever that is. Give a shout out if anyone knows of some more interesting places to try up here in the North West of these here united states?
Catalogs that are randomly sent in the mail are such a hit or miss. Recently received the pottery barn catalog and I find that I really like the things they offer. Yes I am always impressed by the way they style and shoot the rooms. I wish my home could look like the catalog some times.
While cruising the pages this fun print caught my attention. It is only available online and in catalog so I jumped online to see what else they have for the bare walls of a home. Good stuff but a little pricey for new mass produced items but still fun to look at and get inspired for things that I could paint or make myself... if I wanted to.
There seams to be more and more image only style blogs and web sites popping up all the time. Add my recent addition to the world of blogs as one of 'those' type for online viewing, The Weekenders. It started as a kind of loose online "club" format based around an interest in Hot Rods and car kulture were me and a few friends living in other states can post images of what we are up to or current finds that fit into our common interest and hobbies, cause working a 9-5 you find that you live for the weekend to do your own thing and to help pay for it... Well it has kind of turned into an addiction of sorts for me. I have a problem, I LOVE collecting images! But unlike other similar type sites and blogs that post only images we have made it more of an image "link" list. How it works is most images when you click on them will take you to the source of that original image. I find that when I see a cool image or something of interest I want to know more or find out how I can get a hold of it or whatever and so the link just takes it to a diffrent level of use than just a great image or thing of intrest. If you want to check it out go here.
Sorry to anyone who actuly visits REDCROW regularly, I have been weak with my post and do not have any great excuse other than life. That is also what is nice about the Weekenders site, I find something and can just link it and let the viewer discover more about it with out my biased view or opinion on it....
I hope to get back into the swing of things and post at least once or twice a week here on REDCROW but be sure to check out The Weekenders often cause that usualy get 3 or 4 post ups every day or so. If you like what you see when you are there and have similar intrests shoot me an email( tell'n us a little about yourself and we can add you to our member list if you would like.