The worst part of being employed as a Designer in this silly industry known as the Apparel Industry is the time when you have to put aside the creative, the exploration of ideas, the sketch books and hunker down and actually build the ideas that you have been working on into detailed pages, or tech packs. These documents are filled with mesurments, color call outs, trims, fabric codes and everything that you need to make a garment... You have to think and do repetative work. The brain hurts at the end of the very long day and the mind sometimes wanders in the middle of it all.....
It is on one of these wandering mind moments that I all of the sudden thought about this book.
This was on super heavy rotation when I was 6 or 7 until I was well into my High School days.
But as other interests crept into my life it was eventually placed upon the book shelf to begin a long rest of extended years until the day my mind wondered...
As I cracked the pages for the first time in maybe well over 10 years, my childhood came rushing back as I feasted upon each page. I admit that many of the projects within it's yellowed and worn printed papers look as if they may be fairly easy to accomplish and build in my older age. In my youth I spent most of my time with the book and my imagination only, rarely daring to take the risk in failing miserably in an attempt to build the projects found between its covers.
But what young and restless boy does not dream of having his own Tipi?
I have had the opportunity to only visit a few while partaking in the world of scouting and dreamed of one day having my own. I am older now living in a residence that offers me a small SoCal back yard and have a few wee ones of my own who might just get a kick out of having one to play in.
So I am about to take on the task of building a miniture Tipi. I plan on taking the instructions and pattern, of what seams simple and straight forward, for a full size 17'-24' Tipi,
cutting the measurements in half and with a little luck and some dedicated time I will have something to mess around with the Kids in.
We shall see.
Well time to get to it. Keep ya posted on how it goes.
Now go build someth'n.
Have a good weekend
>>>--"keep On Crow'N--->